Regulasi Emosi dan Kesadaran Diri pada Masyarakat dalam Menanggapi Bantuan Sosial di Kelurahan Bekasi Jaya

Devi Nanda, Rika Fitriyana


  • Rika Fitriyana Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Devi Nanda Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya



Emotion Regulation, Self Awareness, Social Help


Since covid-19 pandemic aroused, government has done many things in order to help people survive 
as the result of this situation. One of the things was cash social donation towards certain people. Of 
course there’s always pros and cons but in the end it was still distributed through district officer. 
That is why, the researcher found it’s interesting to look deeper into people’s saelf-awareness and 
emotion regulation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a relationship 
between emotion regulation and self-awareness. This study uses a quantitative approach. The 
subjects in this study were the community in Bekasijaya village as many as 56,462 people with a 
sample of 140 through a process of characteristic processing. The measuring instrument used is in 
the form of two scales, namely emotional regulation and self-awareness. The two measuring 
instruments have been through the validity of the item discriminating power test and the reliability 
test using Cronbach's alpha which was carried out through the SPSS Version program. The results 
in this study indicate that there is a relationship between emotional regulation and self-awareness 
with a correlation coefficient of 0.800** with a significance value of 0.000 (p <0.05). That is, if 
emotion regulation  high, then self-awareness is high, and vice versa, if emotion regulation low, 
then self-awareness is low. 


