Makna Hidup Wanita Tunasusila yang Berkeluarga
Anita Nur Fadhilah Halid, Ahmad Razak, Perdana Kusuma
Family, Meaning of Life, Prostitute WomanAbstract
Women who take on multiple roles must consider the risks of the work to be undertaken. In addition, in family life,
family members must be open and respectful of each other to avoid conflicts and maintain the integrity of the family
itself. However, there are some women who take on multiple roles instead take jobs that deviate from social norms and
do not open or respect each other between family members. This study aims to determine the life picture of prostitute
women who have families and the meaning of life of prostitute women who have families. The method used in this
study is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. Data was collected through interviews and
documentation of respondents as many as two people who worked as prostitute women and had families. The results
showed that the two respondents had a picture of life that was not much different in terms of economy, relationships
and family problems. In addition, the results of the study also showed that both respondents have a meaning of life, but
each respondent has a different meaning of life. The implications of this research for prostitute women are as a material
for contemplation and as educational material in managing self-concept and family well.