Pelatihan Pengoperasian dan Pengolahan Data Magnetometer dengan SATBINLAT PUSHIDROS TNI-AL di Teluk Jakarta
Magnetometer Pengukuran Magnetik Pengolahan Data Daerah Lepas Pantai Jakarta.Abstract
This community service aims to organize training on
the operation and processing of magnetometer data in the
offshore area of Jakarta. This training is designed to provide
practical knowledge and skills to the community in using
magnetometers and processing magnetic data to support
research and applications in the field of offshore geology. The
practical field session will involve operating the magnetometer
in the area off the coast of Jakarta. Participants will learn about
tool operating procedures, magnetic data collection, and data
processing techniques to generate useful information. They will
also learn how to interpret magnetic data and analyze subsurface
geological structures. This training aims to empower the
community in the use of magnetometers and magnetic data
processing. With the understanding and skills acquired through
this training, participants are expected to be able to carry out
magnetic surveys in the offshore areas of Jakarta independently.
This will increase understanding of the potential natural
resources and geological conditions in the area. Apart from
providing direct benefits to the trainees, this community service
also has the potential to make a wider contribution. Research
results based on magnetic data collected by participants can
provide new insights about the offshore geological structure of
Jakarta and the potential contained therein. This information can
be used in making decisions related to natural resource
management and disaster risk mitigation in the area.

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