Literasi Pemahaman Konsep Kamtibmas Untuk Menjaga Keamanan Dan Ketertiban Di Kelurahan Harapan Mulya, Kota Bekasi
Kamtibmas; Implementasi Aturan Polri.Abstract
Protecting yourself and the environment in work
activities or in social situations by choosing preventive measures
is a solution to staying safe from situations where accidents,
disasters and crimes that may occur are a from of concern for
public safety and order. The creation of a dynamic condition of
society that becomes immune to the implementation of national
development in achieving national goals is very focused on
guaranteeing security, order and upholding of the law as well as
fostering peace in developing the potential of the community to
be able to prevent and overcome forms of law violations and
other disturbances that can cause public unrest. Polri through
Bhabinkamtibmas seeks to implement the rules contained in Law
Number 2 of 2002 concerning the Indonesian National Police.
Socialization and counseling in Harapan Mulya village, Medan
Satria Disctrict, Bekasi City, to provide an understanding of
kamtibmas and concern for security public order can be futher
enchanced. The achievement to be achieved is to create a society
that is aware and obeys the law in carrying out its daily activities.

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