Membangun Kesadaran Hukum Dalam Menanggulangi Kenakalan Remaja Di Desa Setia Mekar Tambun Selatan
Kesadaran Hukum; Ketaatan Hukum; Penegakan HukumAbstract
The role of law in society is to guarantee certainty
and justice, in In people's lives there are always differences
between patterns of behavior or the rules of behavior that apply
in society with different patterns of behavior required by legal
norms. This can cause the emergence of a problem in the form
of social inequality so that at a certain time tends to occur
conflicts and social tensions which of course can interfere with
the course of social change in the desired direction. Building a
law-aware and law-abiding society is the goal of there are
norms that want a just society so that the joints of the culture of
society will develop towards the creation of a a social system
that respects one another, makes people aware law and obey the
law is not something that is easy by turning the palm hands,
because not not everyone has legal awareness. Importance
building awareness and compliance with community law, it is
hoped that it will support and make the community uphold the
institutions/rules as fulfillment of the desire for obedience and
legal order. Role and the function of building legal awareness
and legal compliance is to: 1) Stability, 2) Providing a social
framework for internal needs society, 3) Providing a social
institutional framework in the form of norms, 4) Links between
institutions. Law enforcement is the process of making efforts to
the establishment or functioning of legal norms as a guideline
behavior in traffic or legal relations in life society and state.
Because of that awareness of legal values and obedience in
carrying out all the rules of law is a manifestation in effecting
the law.

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