Socialization, Learning Creativity by Coloring Canvas Bags at SD Nahdlatul Wathan Gabus Bekasi, Srimukti Village through the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program at Bhayangkara University, Jakarta Raya
Community empowerment is essentially bringing out the potential that already exists in people
or groups by offering support and increasing awareness of this potential with the aim of
empowering people or groups to achieve their goals or produce effective societal changes that
can change and improve socio-economic welfare. -in their environment. Community Service
Lecture (KKN) activities are educational in the sense of providing learning opportunities to
students outside the classroom. In Srimukti Village, KKN SEJATI 2023 will be implemented
through service modalities such as outreach, learning, and creativity. The results show a good
response from the community and children from the active involvement of SD Nahdlatul
Wathan Srimukti.
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Socio-Economic Welfare, KKN (Community Service