The Effect of Push Up and Pull Up Exercises on Shooting Free Throw Results in Basketball Athletes in Jembrana Regency


  • Arya Tangkas Prasetya Universitas Triatma Mulya, Indonesia
  • Ketut Addy Indrawan Universitas Triatma Mulya, Indonesia
  • Ni Gusti Ayu Lia Rusmayani Universitas Triatma Mulya, Indonesia



Athlete Training, Push Ups, Pull Ups, Basketball Game


A shooting free throw is a shot awarded to a player to score, as a result of being distracted by an opposing player in an attempt on a field shot. To master it, systematic training is needed, one of which is push-up and pull-up exercises. This study aims to determine the effect of pushup and pull-up exercises on the results of shooting free throws for basketball athletes in the Jembrana Regency. This research was carried out using a quasi-experimental research method with a pretest and post-test approach with a control group design. The population of this study was basketball athletes in the PERBASI Region, Jembrana Regency, with a sample of 30 athletes. Measurements were carried out during the pretest and post-test, and the push-up and pull-up exercise program was carried out 3 times a week, which was carried out for 5 weeks.  From the results of this study, it means that push-up and pull-up exercises can increase free throw shooting scores by increasing the arm muscle strength of basketball athletes. Trainers can provide push-up and pull-up exercises to be able to improve the physical abilities of athletes so that they get achievements in the sport of basketball games.


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How to Cite

The Effect of Push Up and Pull Up Exercises on Shooting Free Throw Results in Basketball Athletes in Jembrana Regency. (2024). Journal Coaching Education Sports, 3(2), 171-178.