Program KKN sebagai Upaya Penanggulangan Penyebaran Covid-19 di Desa Srimahi Kecamatan Tambun Utara Kabupaten Bekasi


  • Alloysius Vendhi Prasmoro Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Arif Nuryono Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Widya Spalanzani Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya



Covid-19, pandemic, health protocol


Efforts to handle the Covid-19 outbreak are carried out in mutual cooperation where various parties unite to overcome and prevent the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak. Various cooperation programs are carried out with one of them being the campus and the community. The campus in one of its programs, namely the Real Work Lecture, is an implication program of the Tri Dharma of higher education, namely community service. In this case, students and lecturers of Industrial Engineering at Bhayangkara University, Jakarta, launched a Community Service Program with the Efforts to Control the Spread of Covid-19 Program which was divided into 2 fields, namely the field of physical infrastructure and public health. The main objective of this Covid-19 response program is to assist government programs in breaking the rope of the spread of Covid-19 with physical and non-physical programs so that Srimahi Village becomes one of the Covid-19-free green zone villages. The activities carried out were making hand washing equipment, providing hand sanitizer, procuring masks, spraying disinfectants, installing health protocol posters. The impact of this activity is a decrease in the number of residents infected with Covid-19 and an increase in public awareness of the importance of health protocols during the Covid- 19 Pandemic.


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