Pelatihan Pengoperasian Alat Magnetometer untuk Identifikasi Ranjau dengan SATRAN ARMADA II TNI-AL di Selat Madura


  • Edy Soesanto Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya



Magnetometer, Wiz Sonar Software, SATRAN ARMADA-2, Mine Bomb, Madura Strait


Magnetometer Operation Training for Mine Identification with G-882 Magnetometer equipment and the use of the SonarWiz software application in the Madura Strait is a training initiative that aims to increase the knowledge, skills and capabilities of Mine Ship Unit (STRAN) personnel of the TNI-AL ARMADA II in operating the tool. magnetometer to detect and identify mines in the waters of the Madura Strait. In this training, participants will be given an in-depth understanding of the working principle of the magnetometer, correct operating techniques, and magnetic data analysis methods to identify anomalies that indicate the presence of mines. In addition, participants will also be trained in operating the G-882 Magnetometer and using the Sonar Wiz software application, this support system that strengthens mine detection and identification capabilities. The proposed solution is through intensive training which includes theory sessions, field practice, processing of magnetometer data and which bombs can be identified and simulation of real situations for the 0.5-5 (nT) classification including 16m depth bombs and 1-5 (nT) including bombs. with a depth of 30m. Participants will be actively involved in practicing the operation of the magnetometer device, data analysis, and interpretation of results to increase their understanding of the characteristics of mines in the Madura Strait waters. It is hoped that this training will produce positive outcomes, such as increasing the knowledge, skills and confidence of Mine Ship Unit (STRAN) II TNI-AL personnel in operating the magnetometer device for mine identification. In addition, it is hoped that there will also be close cooperation between Mine Ship Unit (STRAN) personnel from the Indonesian Navy and the people of the coastal areas in supporting the task of securing the waters of the Madura Strait.


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