Implementasi Kokurikuler Berbasis Projek Profil Pelajar Pancasila: Potensi Pemanasan Global melalui Studi Kasus Pemakaian Smartphone di Kalangan Pelajar


  • Wiryalhaqqi Tianto SMA Negeri 82
  • Ibnu Susanto Joyosemito Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Narila Mutia Nasir UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
  • Muhammad Akmal Darmawan SMA Negeri 82
  • Noval Nurdiansyah SMA Negeri 82
  • Muhammad Abidzar Alfian SMA Negeri 82
  • Muhammad Khairul Najib SMA Negeri 82
  • Aulia Maharani SMA Negeri 82
  • Tri Haryati SMA Negeri 82
  • Siti Sarah SMA Negeri 82
  • Desy Indrias Wari SMA Negeri 82



The Merdeka learning curriculum, Pancasila Student Profile, Sustainable LIfestyle, Smartphone application, Global Warming Potential


The Pancasila Student Profile (PPP) is a translation of the national education goal from the structure of the Merdeka (freedom) curriculum which is implemented in project-based co-curricular learning activity. Public High School (SMAN) 82 Jakarta has started the PPP project for grade X (ten) of 2022 batch selecting the theme “Sustainable Lifestyle” from the available eight PPP project themes. This community service activity aims to support the implementation of the PPP that project-based in SMAN 82 Jakarta by accompanying the students to do the PPP project. One of the groups of Grade X focused on global warming’s impact on climate change as a result of using energy-consuming equipment with a case study of smartphone use among students. The experiment and observation were carried out by the student group using two brands of smartphones, namely Xiaomi Redmi Note 9 (Android-based) and Iphone 11 (IOS-based). These two smartphones were used to operate two applications, Game Online and Youtube. Each application was run for one hour using the smartphones. The result of this project demonstrates the process sequence and the calculation of how the smartphone use contributes to global warming and climate change. Furthermore, this result also gives an initial insight that no matter the smartphone brand, running the game online application will generate higher Global Warming Potential (GWP) than Youtube application. Moreover, the GWP generated from running the Youtube application depends on the smartphone brand. The result demonstrated by this PPP project activity is expected to raise awareness of global warming and climate change, particularly among students and also the general public in order to contribute in mitigation efforts through the smart use of energy-consuming equipment which is started with the equipment that always attached in our daily life, namely smartphone.


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