Sosialisasi K3 tentang Bahaya Kelistrikan dan Kebakaran pada Desa Kedung Pengawas, Babelan, Kab, Bekasi
Fire, electricity, K3Abstract
Safety Health ane Environment or we can call it (K3), which is a policy product used by the government and business actors in preventing accidents at work and reducing the risk of work-related accidents. In addition to K3, community knowledge about the dangers of electricity is still inadequate / lacking. This can result in electric shock during electrical installations in residents' homes or when fixing antennas at home. In addition to electric shock, errors in electrical installations can cause fires and cause harm to the community. Knowledge of K3 can provide knowledge to the public to be more careful in taking actions that can cause danger such as electric shock and fire. Based on these conditions, our Community Service Team at Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta will provide counseling on Sosialisasi K3 tentang Bahaya Kelistrikan dan Bahaya Kebakaran pada Desa Kedung Pengawas, Babelan, Kab. Bekasi.