Pelatihan Pembuatan Lilin sebagai Peluang Usaha di Dusun Pendem


  • Nurul Ilmi Institut Teknologi Batam
  • Olyvia Novawanda Universitas Surabaya



Candle making training, pendem, business opportunities


Seeing the condition of a hamlet whose electric lighting is often problematic as a result of blackouts. Then the training of candle making provides a solution to the problem. It can be known that the materials used to make candles are so easy to obtain. Or it can be said to be close to “The Hamlet of Pendem”. In the presence of relatively affordable material costs or no need of great capital. Can make the hamlet have sufficient illumination when the blackout arrives. It started from frequent blackouts. At least three times in one week gave rise to an idea to do training. From the training will help a hamlet even a village consisting of many hamlets. There will be many who are helped with the presence of candles made. In contrast to other candles, a candlelight vigil has the hallmark of fragrances derived from specialized candlelight vigils that can be obtained in candle shops. The rare candles sold near the Hamlet of the Shorts gave rise to an idea to make it a useful venture opportunity.


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