Edukasi Pencegahan Covid-19 dan Pendampingan Keterampilan Berbahasa Inggris bagi Orang Tua Anak di Kelurahan Harapan Mulya Kecamatan Medan Satria Kota Bekasi


  • Haris Hamdani Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta raya
  • Ade Irpan Sabilah Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya



Covid-19, application, english


The public is shocked by the positive cases of Covid-19. Several sectors have been paralyzed by the Covid-19 pandemic, including the health and education sectors. Covid- 19 causes people to be affected by their health and even death. Covid-19 is an infectious disease through the eyes, nose and mouth. This also has a very negative impact on the education sector. Since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, schools from elementary to tertiary levels have not been allowed to carry out learning at schools or campuses. Students learn from their homes. Learning is also considered less than optimal because of the lack of direct guidance from educators. The government and the community work together to overcome problems during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the health sector, various activities were held to prevent the transmission of Covid-19, including socialization about preventing the transmission of Covid-19 and healthy behavior. Meanwhile, in the field of education, socialization of the use of technology was held, namely by using various learning applications from mobile phones. One application to learn English on mobile phones is Cake. Many residents of RW 007, Harapan Mulya Village, Medan Satria Sub-district, Bekasi City are positively contaminated with Covid-19. Residents who have children also do not understand how to use the features on their cell phones to learn English. The socialization of the prevention of Covid-19 transmission and assistance in English language skills for parents of children can be a solution to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19 and assist children in learning English at home. The Cake application provides English learning materials and exercises with interesting features. Children can use the application at any time accompanied by their parents. Problems in the health and education sectors during the Covid-19 pandemic will be reduced.


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