Analysis of Measuring Behavior of Phubbing in Adolescents in Bekasi City
Phubbing, Teenagers, Measuring ToolsAbstract
Phubbing is the behavior of ignoring social interaction to focus on smartphones. The use of smartphones by adolescents tends to reduce social interaction between peers. The urgency of measurement and research on phubbing lies in its negative impact on communication and social relationships, as well as the importance of prevention efforts to improve the quality of human interaction. The purpose of this study is to obtain indicators of phubbing measurement in adolescents in the phenomenon of social interaction. The theory used refers to the theory of Karadaǧ et al., (2015) Aspects of phubbing include communication disorders and obsession with mobile phones. The analysis method used in this study used a discriminatory power test and Confirmatory Factor Analysis, the respondents who were willing to be involved in this study amounted to 196 adolescents. This measuring tool consists of 10 items, of which 3 items have been declared irrelevant after the discrimination power test. The results of the analysis showed that the remaining 4 items had unique measurements for adolescents The results obtained that the indicator of staring at the smartphone screen when with other people, busy using smartphones when with friends, and feeling that there is something lacking without a smartphone is an indicator that is able to represent the subject based on phenomena. The phubbing measuring instrument through the CFA test showed that this instrument was not fit.