Instrument Analysis Fear of Missing Out


  • Fajar Herlambang Pratama Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia Author
  • Firman Purnomo Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia Author
  • I Putu Kreshna Fiyanta Putra Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya, Jakarta, Indonesia Author


Fear of Missing Out (FoMO), Validity and Reliability, Media Users


This study aims to develop and test the validity of the Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) measurement tool based on the theory of Przybylski et al. (2013). This measuring tool consists of 8 items and is tested on 50 students who use social media. The data collection method was carried out through a questionnaire distributed online. Data analysis includes evaluation of the validity and reliability of measuring instruments through item discrimination tests. The results of the analysis showed that one item did not meet the criteria of adequate discrimination, so it was declared disqualified. The remaining seven items showed a reliability coefficient (Cronbach's Alpha) of 0.85, indicating good internal consistency. Each valid item showed a significant correlation with the total score, meaning that the items effectively described the characteristics of FoMO in the respondents. FoMO is a psychological phenomenon in which individuals feel anxious about losing valuable experiences or information that is happening.


