The Role of Psychology in the Recruitment of National Police Non-Commissioned Officers
Psychology, Recruitment, Psychological Assessment, Organizational CommitmentAbstract
This research discusses the role of psychology in the recruitment process for National Police NCO members, which includes qualification selection, career development, and human resource (HR) development in the National Police. Psychology has an important role in assessing the intelligence abilities, personality and work attitudes of prospective recruits through various tests and in-depth assessments to ensure candidates have the appropriate potential. Additionally, psychology helps identify difficulties that candidates may face in their assignments, as well as evaluate individual interests, talents and abilities for optimal career development. This research also highlights the challenges in measuring these aspects, including difficulties in accurate assessment, identification of interests and talents, and measuring a candidate's commitment to the organization. In the context of human resource development, psychology is used to evaluate the personality abilities and work attitudes of active members of the Indonesian National Police, as well as to design effective training programs. With a deep understanding of Polri members, psychology contributes to the promotion of commitment to the organization. This study also identified challenges in the recruitment process, such as inaccurate assessments, less than optimal socialization, and difficulties in career and HR development. A careful and sustainable approach is needed to overcome these challenges to ensure that the recruitment and career development process at the National Police is effective and contributes to the overall success of the organization. This research provides insight into the importance of psychology in recruitment and career development in the National Police, as well as the challenges faced and the solutions needed to improve the process.