Laku Pandai Perbankan dan Perlindungan Nasabah: Studi Kasus Laku Pandai BCA di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah


  • M. Faiz Kurniawan Mahasiswa Magister Hukum Universitas Indonesia



Financial Literacy, Laku Pandai, Customers, Customer Protection


Banks have an important role as intermediary institutions. This function is to channel funds from people who have excess finances to other people in need in the form of credit. Along with the development of banking that leads to branchless banking, namely bankless offices, the penetration process to the public and financial literacy can be further improved. This is because banks can reach the deepest layers of society without the need to build branch offices. Laku Pandai becomes the main agent of the bank to reach the deepest community though. With juridical-normative research by analyzing laws and regulations and interviews with smart behavior agents in Demak Regency, it was found that banks have sufficient instruments to protect their customers against smart behavior. Regulations by the OJK are also deemed sufficient for the implementation of smart behavior agents and protection for customers. Laku Pandai as an office-less banking service by utilizing agents in collaboration with other parties and the use of information technology is proven to provide service benefits and protection in terms of confidentiality, deposit security to customers in full.


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How to Cite

Laku Pandai Perbankan dan Perlindungan Nasabah: Studi Kasus Laku Pandai BCA di Kabupaten Demak Jawa Tengah. (2024). Jurnal Hukum Sasana, 8(1).