Aspek Hukum Keselamatan Penerbangan di Indonesia


  • Niru Anita Sinaga Fakultas Hukum Universitas Dirgantara Marsekal Suryadarma



Legal Aspects, Safety, Aviation.


Aviation as part of the national transportation system has an important role in people's lives, therefore the implementation must be arranged in an integrated national transportation system by integrating and dynamizing aviation infrastructure and facilities. The purpose of the flight operation is to realize an orderly, regularly, safe, secure, comfortable flight, etc. This is in accordance with the motto that is generally accepted in the aviation world, that is 3S+1C: Safety, security, services and compliance to rules. In order to support the smooth running of flight activities, it is required to comply with applicable regulations, including: Article 44 of the 1944 Chicago Convention, International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Aviation Law, Government Regulations, Regulations and Decrees of the Minister of Transportation and other Implementing Regulations. There are various factors that affect flight safety performance that can be used as a joint evaluation material for the achievement of flight safety services in accordance with national and international regulations. This study discusses: How is the regulation and implementation of aviation safety policies in Indonesia? This type of research is normative legal research (juridical normative), using secondary data obtained from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources.


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. Alinea ke 3 Penjelasan Umum Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 1 Tahun 2009 tentang Penerbangan (UU Penerbangan).

. E. Saefullah Wiradipradja, Hukum Transportasi Udara Dari Warsawa 1929 ke Montreal 1999, Bandung: PT. Kiblat Buku Utama, 2008, hlm. 18.

. Huruf b Bagian Menimbang UU Penerbangan,

. Penjelasan Umum paragrap 4 UU Penerbangan,

. Penjelasan Umum paragrap 7 UU Penerbangan,

. Penjelasan Umum paragrap 10 sub huruf e UU Penerbangan,

. Angka 2.1 Bab II Lampiran Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor PM 93 Tahun 2016 tentang Program Keselamatan Penerbangan Nasional (Permenhub 93/2016).

. Angka 48 Pasal 1 UU Penerbangan.

. Angka 49 Pasal 1 UU Penerbangan.

. Pasal 3 UU Penerbangan.

. Angka 2.3 Bab II Permenhub 93/2016.

. Ibid.

. Penjelasan Umum Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2001 tentang Keamanan Dan Keselamatan Penerbangan (PP 3/2001).

JURNAL HUKUM SASANA | Volume 8 Number 2, December 2022

Aspek Hukum Keselamatan Penerbangan di Indonesia

. Angka 1.1.3 Bab I Permenhub 93/2016.

. Angka 1.1.4 Bab I Permenhub 93/2016.

. Angka 1.2 Bab I Permenhub 93/2016.

. Yaddy Supriadi, Keselamatan Penerbangan Teori dan Problematika, Tangerang: Telaga Ilmu. 2012, hlm. 67.




How to Cite

Aspek Hukum Keselamatan Penerbangan di Indonesia. (2024). Jurnal Hukum Sasana, 8(2).