Sosialisasi Pengenalan LED sebagai Lampu Hemat Energi di Dusun Pendem


  • Iin Septianingsih STAI YPIQ
  • Yelly Febrina Zani Universitas Muhammadiyah Buton



Socialization, LED, short, energy saving


The illumination within a village is a problem in itself faced. There are still many villages or hamlets still untouched by capable lights. One hamlet that has not known well the existence of energy-efficient lamps is the hamlet of the Pendem. There are still many who use axis lights. Using it, one of the losses earned was like making the ceiling black because of the smoke. Therefore this activity was undertaken to introduce one of the lamps that could replace the axis lamp. That is, using an LED light. In addition these activities were carried out with the aim of improving the citizen knowledge of the Hamlet of Pendemhand on the use of frugal and durable lights. LED or Light Emithing Diode. LEDs themselves are semi-conductors that can convert electrical energy into light energy by the time the appliance passes through an electric current. LEDs here are lights that have light sources that come from the LED pool. These lights are in particular used as lighting at night. The introduction of LEDs as energy-efficient lights also helped the people of the Hamlet of Pendems to use electricity more efficiently. So that it is able to minimize the required load quantity, given the power limitation of the still-less PLN of 450 VA.


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