Pelatihan Pembuatan Susu Sapi, Telur, dan Jahe (STJ) Instan sebagai Ciri Khas Dusun Pendem


  • Ratna Diah Yuniawati Institut Teknologi dan Sains Nahdlatul Ulama Pasuruan
  • Iin Septianingsih STAI YPIQ



STJ training, resource optimization, pendem


The hamlet of Pendem is one of the hamlets in Manggihan Village located in a mountainous area with an elevation of 1000 mdpl making the region quite cold. The presence of crop-suited produce such as large ginger, fruit plantations do not close the possibility of growing here. Not only that, the hamlet is famous for its cattle ranching. Unfortunately, those resources are still very poorly empowered. So that it looks as if it has no added value to the citizens in the hamlet. Considering it will be very useful when an optimization is done from that resource. And it is unfortunate that when such potential is left unjustly. Therefore, researchers want to do developments such as training. In the presence of training, hamlet citizens can develop the hamlet. Residents also have new knowledge that may be able to bring up other ideas. So that it can advance the hamlet. Since ginger and cow products are the most famous resources in this hamlet then researchers will conduct instant Dairy, Egg, and Ginger (STJ) manufacturing training. This product will be a new source of revenue for the hamlet and can be known as a hallmark due to its unique taste.


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