Pengendali Robot Tempat Sampah Menggunakan Smartphone Berbasis Boarduino


  • Andri Fadjria
  • Rakhmat Purnomo Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya
  • Nur Rahman



The cafeteria of Bhayangkara University, Greater Jakarta, has a problem that is a lot of
garbage left by visitors to the canteen. Waste consists of plastic, paper, food scraps placed
at the canteen table by visitors to the canteen. The location of the trash can is far from the
visitors, and the number of trash bins totaling 4 pieces, unable to accommodate the garbage
from visitors to the canteen can get problems in environmental pollution for the future. So
he made a study that produced a garbage bin robot with an industrial system 4.0, which is
to assist the task of human work. With the aim of reducing the trash left by visitors to the
canteen and the convenience of visitors to put garbage on the robot. Using the protoyping
method in the system of making garbage bins with the stages of collecting design process
needs, building prototypes, evaluating & repairing, producing a robot with a smartphone
controller based on boarduino applications so that robots can work according to the needs
expected by researchers.


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