Pemanfaatan Wellbore Strengthening Agent Selama Pengeboran di Onshore Sumatera Bagian Utara Indonesia


  • Aly Rasyid



At northern part of Sumatera Indonesian onshore many drilling issues were encountered
in the area, in particular the overlying shales above the pay zones in the high deviated
trajectory wells. Since the last well drilling in this area was 70’ era, so that limited data is
another drilling engineering challenge, especially to provide an accurate drilling fluid. To
combat the drilling issues, utilization of pre-treated wellbore strengthening agent was
applied to reduce well bore issues and strengthen the well with an effective filter cake. In
Northern Sumatera Indonesian onshore well in Indonesia was used as a case study. First
a brief understanding and fundamentals of geo-mechanics is described in reference to well
construction as well as filter cake fundamental to protect the hole stability. Results,
observations and conclusions were drawn upon using a case study comparing a well on
onshore in Indonesia which had many drilling problems such as stuck pipe/differential
sticking and washouts/hole enlargement issues related to well bore stability, after using the
wellbore stability agent, the problems that encountered significantly decrease.


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