Pemanfaatan Limbah Serat dari Pelepah Pisang sebagai Inovasi Bahan Komposit Laminasi Kapal Kayu
Wooden ship, banana fiber,, CompositeAbstract
Fishing boats are vessels that almost 90% of
the building materials are made of wood. The
nature of wood that is easily weathered and
attacked by wood destroying organisms causes
fishing vessels with wood materials to be easily
damaged. Banana trees are plants that thrive
in Indonesia. In addition to the fruit, banana
tree leaves are the part that is often used for
reprocessing. However, the midrib of the tree
cannot be utilized optimally and will become
unused waste. Therefore, the author has an
innovation using banana midrib fiber as a
composite material as a wood ship lamination
material. Therefore, researchers need to do a
test, namely by tensile test of variations in fiber
thickness of 1 layer, 2 layers, 3 layers on a
banana midrib fiber composite and polyester
resin to measure the tensile strength value of
the composite which refers to the ASTM 63802a
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