Author Guideline


The editor of Jurnal Saintek welcome article submission with the following writting guidelines:

Tittle Max 14 word writtien in Bahasa Indonesia

(Center, Times New Roman 18 is not thick, maximum. 14 Indonesian words or 12 words in English)

First Author*1, SecondAuthor2, Third Author3

1,2Institution/affiliation; addres, telp/fax of institution/affiliation, country

Contoh: Teknik Informatika, Fakultas Teknik, UBJ, Jakarta, Indonesia

e-mail: *1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]


 Abstract is written in English in maximum of 200 words in italics with Times New Roman 11 point. Abstract should be clear, descriptive, and should provide a brief overview of the problem studied, the method how to solve the problem and the result(s). Abstract preferably end with a comment about the importance of the results or conclusions briefly.


Keywords3-5 keywords, method A, B method B, complexit



This document is a template for the version of Word (doc). You can use this version of the document as a reference for writing your manuscript. The paper as a whole should contain the following sections: 1. Introduction, 2. Research Methods, 3. Results and Discussion, 4. Conclusions and 5. Suggestions. A description of the contents of each section is explained in these sections.

The paper is written in Times New Roman font size of 11 points. Each section may consist of several paragraphs written in Arabic numeric numbers in italics, as shown in the Research Methods section. Minimum number of pages is 7 pages and maximum 13 pages are A4 size.

The introduction outlines the background of the problem being solved, issues related to the problem being solved, research reviews that have been done before by other researchers who are relevant to the research conducted.



Research methods include problem analysis, architecture or design methods used to solve problems. Problem analysis describes the problems that exist and are resolved in this study. The design illustrates how to solve problems and should be presented in the form of a diagram with a complete explanation. For example data processing diagrams, from raw data to completion, hardware design diagrams.
2.1 Review Stages

Please submit your manuscript according to the Template and Author Guidelines (can be downloaded and read on the website of this journal) electronically. You must send the initial version of the manuscript document in the one-column Word.doc format, including figures and tables.
2. 1.1 Figures and tables

All images and tables that you include in the document must be adjusted in the order of 1 column or full size of one paper without dots (.), Without bold (Bold), and must be accompanied by a sentence that refers to the picture / table, to make it easier for reviewers to examine the meaning of the image. Example: ...... shown in Figure 1. Or ...... shown in Table 1.

2. 2 Copyright Form

The copyright form must be included in the final submission.
2. 2.1 Math Formula / equation

If you use Word, use Microsoft Equation Editor or MathType equations, written in the middle, and numbered equations starting from (1), (2) etc. Each equation that appears must be accompanied by a sentence that refers to the equation. Example: ...... shown in equation (1).


2. 2.2 Reference Bibliography

Reference of literature is done by writing the serial number in the bibliography in square brackets, for example [1], [1,2], [1,2,3]. References that are referred to in the manuscript must be in the References and every bibliography in the References must be referred to in the manuscript. References cited are first referred to in the manuscript (on [1]), must be in bibliography no. 1, cited second, appears in bibliography no. 2, and so on. The order in the bibliography must be in the order in which the citations appear, not in the order of the last name. References only contain references which are really cited in the manuscript. The reference composition used must comprise a minimum of 80% of primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% of secondary references (textbooks) published in the past 10 years. Every article sent to the Journal of Information Technology and Security must have a minimum of ten references. All data presented or citations in articles taken from other authors' articles must attach reference sources. References are written using the IEEE system format (with URL). Each reference is quoted using a number and is recommended to be placed at the end of the sentence. It is recommended to use a software application to manage references and bibliographies, (for example: Mendeley, Zotero, RefWorks) or paid applications (for example: Endnote, Reference Manager).

This section contains the results of research or experiments and analysis of research results or experimental results. The results of the experiment should be represented in relevant forms, for example displayed in graphs or tables. Charts can follow the format for diagrams and pictures such as Figure 2. For tables presented in the format as in Table 1. Discussion of the results of research and testing obtained is presented in the form of a theoretical description, both qualitatively and quantitatively.



Figure 2. Comparative Graph of Method A and Method B


Table 1. Comparison of Method A and Method B




The conclusion must clearly indicate the results obtained and their advantages and disadvantages.

Conclusions in the form of paragraphs, may not be in the form of points or bullets or numbering.

Manuscripts can be sent according to the e-mail address [email protected]

This part is optional. If there are, the suggestions contain further research suggestions to cover the current research shortcomings or the development of the research that has been done.

This section is optional. If there is, thank you to the institution that has provided "financial support" for this research.

References must be listed at least 10 and only contain references referred to in written manuscripts, not merely registered libraries. References are written in the order in which references appear in the text, not in the alphabetical order of the author. The composition of references used must consist of a minimum of 80% primary references (journals, proceedings) and a maximum of 20% secondary references (textbooks) published in the past 10 years and each article must have a minimum of ten references.

[1]    Attenberg, J. (2013). Active Learning For Imbalanced Problems. Class Imbalance and Active Learning, (iii), 101 – 151.

[2]    Canu, S. (2006). Kernel methods and the exponential family. Neurocomputing, 69(October 2005), 1–14. Doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2005.12.009

[3]    Chang, R., Mu, X., & Zhang, L. (2011). Software defect prediction using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization. Journal of Software, 6(11 SPEC. ISSUE), 2114–2120. doi:10.4304/jsw.6.11.2114-2120

[4]    Chiş, M. (2008). Evolutionary Decision Trees and Software Metrics for Module Defects Identification. Program, 2(2), 25–29.

[5]    Dawson, C. W. (2009). Projects in Computing and Information Systems. Sentimentaltoday.Net.

[6]    Fakhrahmad, S. M., & Sami, a. (2009). Effective Estimation of Modules’ Metrics in Software Defect Prediction. World Congress on Engineering, I, 206–211.

[7]    Gorunescu, F. (2012). Data Mining : Concepts, Models and Techniques. Springer (Vol. XXXIII). Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. doi:10.1007/s13398-014-0173-7.2

[8]    Gray, D., Bowes, D., Davey, N., Christianson, B., Sun, Y., & Christianson, B. (2011). The misuse of the NASA Metrics Data Program data sets for automated software defect prediction. IET Seminar Digest, 2011(1), 96–103. doi:10.1049/ic.2011.0012

[9]    Hall, T., Beecham, S., Bowes, D., Gray, D., & Counsell, S. (2011). A Systematic Review of Fault Prediction Performance in Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 38(6), 1276–1304. doi:10.1109/TSE.2011.103

[10]      Gorunescu, F. (2012). Data Mining : Concepts, Models and Techniques. Springer (Vol. XXXIII). Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand. doi:10.1007/s13398-014-0173-7.2