Kepuasan Wisatawan Mancanegara dan Nusantara Ditinjau dari Keselamatan, Keamanan, Kesehatan dan Hygiene di Desa Wisata Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to determine the satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists in terms of safety, security, health and hygiene in the Tourism Village, Indonesia. The study population was all foreign and domestic tourists who visited Tourism Villages, Indonesia from January to December 2019 and the sample used was cluster random sampling, with a total of 91 respondents. Quantitative research methods were used in this study with construct validity and reliability analysis, composite reliability, cronbach's alpha, average variance extracted, path coefficient and R square. There is an effect of health and hygiene on the satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists. The better the health and hygiene, the greater the satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists. Accessibility to drinking water and sanitation is the main indicator of health and hygiene when compared with other indicators such as: availability of the number of doctors and nurses, hospital bed facilities and risk of disease. There is an effect of safety and security on the satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists. The better safety and security, the greater the satisfaction of foreign and domestic tourists. The accessibility of tourist destinations is the main indicator of safety and security compared to other indicators such as: friendly and kind employees, tourist village places to protect goods belonging to foreign and domestic tourists, clarity of safety and security signs and directions, walks during the day safer than at night.
Keywords: Health and Hygiene, Safety and Security, Tourism Villages
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kepuasan wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara ditinjau dari keselamatan, keamanan, kesehatan dan hygiene di Desa Wisata, Indonesia. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara yang berkunjung ke Desa-Desa Wisata, Indonesia bulan Januari hingga Desember 2019 dan sample yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling diperoleh responden berjumlah 91. Metode penelitian kuantitatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan analisis construct validity and reliability, composite reliability, cronbach’s alpha, average variance extracted, path coefficient and R square. Ada pengaruh kesehatan dan hygiene terhadap kepuasan wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara. Semakin baik kesehatan dan hygiene, maka semakin meningkat kepuasan wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara. Aksesabilitas ke air minum dan sanitasi merupakan indikator utama kesehatan dan hygiene apabila dibandingkan dengan indikator lainnya seperti: ketersediaan jumlah dokter dan perawat, fasilitas tempat tidur rumah sakit dan resiko terkena penyakit. Ada pengaruh keselamatan dan keamanan terhadap kepuasan wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara. Semakin baik keselamatan dan kesamanan, maka semakin meningkat kepuasan wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara. Aksesabilitas tujuan wisata merupakan indikator utama keselamatan dan keamanan dibandingkan dengan indikator lainnya seperti: karyawan yang bersahabat dan baik, tempat desa wisata melindungi barang-barang milik wisatawan mancanegara dan nusantara, kejelasan rambu-rambu dan arahan keselamatan dan keamanan, jalan-jalan di siang hari lebih aman dibandingkan malam hari.
Kata kunci: Kesehatan dan Hygiene, Keselamatan dan Keamanan, Desa Wisata
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